Presentation Guidelines

Bellow are the guidelines for each presentation format:


Preferred Presentation format: PowerPoint

Technical Requirements: Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is in 16:9 ratio (1,920 x 1,080 pixels). Videos must be embedded in PowerPoint. Please, do not use links to YouTube or other web services in your presentations.


Duration: Your presentation, including the Q&A part, shall last:

45 minutes for the plenary inaugural speaker (35 minutes talk + 10 minutes discussion),

– 35 minutes for the keynote speakers (25 minutes talk + 10 minutes discussion)

– 20 minutes for the selected orals from abstracts (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion). In the interest of fairness, please make sure that your whole session does not exceed the allocated time.

Upload your presentation: All speakers are required to have the final version of their presentations uploaded on the conference laptop at the break (coffee break or lunch) prior to the session you present in. Early morning presentations, please, upload your presentation the day before.


Duration: Your flash presentation should not exceed 3 minutes. There will be sessions in the program dedicated to the flash presentations: 5 flash presentations in a row, followed by a joint Q&A session (5 minutes).

Send us your Flash presentation: All Flash Presentation speakers are required to send by email ( the final version of their presentations until 2nd June 2023 (the email subject shall be: [Flash Presentation] name surname).


We welcome abstracts that will be selected for oral, flash and poster presentations covering fundamental and applied aspects of molecular recognition and affinity technology in academia & industry. Abstracts can be submitted on the following topics:

  • Biophysics and molecular recognition
  • Peptide/protein engineering and molecular recognition
  • Affinity technologies in materials science
  • Affinity ligands – design and discovery
  • Affinity technologies in purification
  • Affinity technologies in health
  • Affinity technologies in (bio)sensing
  • Other affinity-related topics

Abstract submission will close on March 1st 2023. Authors will be notified on April 5th 2023.

Abstract submission is now CLOSED! You may still register to attend the Affinity 2023 Conference.

Note: Undergraduate, MSc or PhD Student and early Post-Doc (less than 2 years after PhD award), that submit an abstract and register at the conference, will be eligible for the Affinity 2023 Younger Investigator Award.