Prof. Christopher R. Lowe

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Affinity Interactions: a 360° vision of Past, Present and Future (Sponsored by SPBT)

Prof. Molly M Stevens

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Designing new approaches to ultrasensitive biosensing and therapeutics

Prof. Stefano Menegatti

North Carolina State University, United States

NC-VVIRAL: a Novel Bioprocess Toolbox for the Affinity Purification of Therapeutic Viruses

Prof. Ora Schueler-Furman

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Structural modeling in the AI era - peptide-protein interactions as example

Prof. Andreas Plückthun

University of Zurich, Switzeland

The design of evolution and the evolution of design

Prof. Nick Devoogdt

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Medical applications of single-domain antibodies: molecular imaging and beyond

Prof. Monika Fuxreiter

University of Padova, Italy

Multimodality is fundamental to protein interactions

Prof. Mark Howarth

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Building and Protecting with Bacterial Superglues