The 2023 Award in Affinity Technology is presented to :
….To be announced
The International Society for Molecular Recognition (ISMR) administers the international and highly-prestigious Award in Affinity Technology, which is awarded at each biennial ISMR Affinity Conference.
Recipients since the inception of the award are: Klaus Mosbach (1985), Meir Wilchek (1987), Chris Lowe (1989), Irwin Chaiken (1991), Jerker Porath (1993), Mathias Uhlen/Fred Regnier (1995), Ken-ichi Kasai (1997), Mookambeswaran (Viji) Vijayalakshmi (1999), Stellan Hjertén (2001), Bertrand Seraphin (2005), Herbert P. Jennissen (2007), Ruedi Aebersold (2009), Alois Jungbauer (2011), Sophia Hober (2013), Richard Willson (2015), Sten Ohlson (2017), Ingemar Lundström (2019), David Baker (2021).
Younger Investigator Award
The International Society for Molecular Recognition has the tradition to welcome and encourage Young Researchers to attend the Affinity meetings.
The Younger Investigator Awards will be selected from the oral and poster/flash presentations at Affinity 2023.
Students and early post-docs (less then years after PhD award) that present their work at the conference are eligible.
The awardees will be announced at the end of the conference.